March 13, 2022 3rd National Online Conference on Evolution of Cryptocurrency & Bitcoins | 21st-22nd April 2022 | Reva University Concept Note In VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) world where digital control, manipulation, and ambiguity is considered a norm. Many believe that cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) will give us financial freedom. But this needs enquiry. Both these ideas emerged out of libertarian concept to basically bypass state apparatuses and to establish direct contact between the concerned parties. There is a paradigm shift in the entire phenomenon of digital transaction. In this scenario of manipulation and complexity we should exercise our intellectual faculties to create an environment of awareness, and at the same time not dismissing them as the latest speculative madness by the capitalist society. Cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency based on blockchain technology, widely considered secure, decentralized, and provides anonymity to its users, low transaction cost, instantaneous transfer and non-trackability. The key issue surrounding cryptocurrency is the inability to define its legal status. In light of cryptocurrency being prone to money laundering/counter terrorist financing, and unregulated illegal activities on the cyberspace i.e., the dark web and hence no country has recognized cryptocurrency as fiat money. The paradox here is that they do not work to produce new use-values, but to create new space for exchange-value. Recently, the government has announced to introduce Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021, to create a sovereign digital currency and simultaneously ban all private cryptocurrencies. But this bill is debatable as blanket ban is not possible as cryptocurrency is decentralized, and private ban of cryptocurrencies is most likely to result in an exodus of both talent and business from India. This too will deprive India, its entrepreneurs, and citizens a transformative technology. Sub-themes Papers are invited on the following sub-themes and such related themes which can contribute to the objective of the conference: Cryptocurrency Regulation in India and other Countries.Cryptocurrency as a Legal Tender and its Implications.Impact of cryptocurrency on the world economy.Cryptocurrency vs cyber-lawCryptocurrency and Emerging TechnologiesDigital DivideEntrepreneur and EntrepreneurismBlock Chain Technology: Paradigm Shift in the Business ModelThe Bitcoin mania and beyondCryptocurrency and Smart Contract Registration Prior registration is mandatory for paper-presenters as well as participants for the conference.All the participants will receive the link to join the Conference on April 20, 2022.Participants are requested to fill the Registration Form and upload the Fees Receipt by clickingthe below link- Abstract The abstract shall not exceed 300 words and must be accompanied by a cover page, stating thefollowing:• Title of the Paper and Sub – Theme• Name of the Author(s)• Name of the Institution• E-mail Address and Contact number• Postal Address Paper The paper must be accompanied with the following details:A cover letter mentioning the Name of the Author(s), Course, Year of Study (if applicable),Name of the College/University (if applicable), Professional Position (if applicable), with PostalAddress, Email Address, and Contact Number.The abstract and the full papers to be sent at Submission Guidelines • Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of two authors and at least one author must attendthe seminar to present the paper.• No Proxy presentations are allowed.• The abstract/paper will be subject to rejection if found plagiarized. Important Dates Submission of Abstract : 25th March, 2022Communication of Acceptance of Abstract : 27th March, 2022Last date of Registration : 30th March, 2022Submission of Full Paper : 4th April, 2022Date of the Conference : 21st – 22nd April, 2022 For More Details Refer to Brochure Post Views: 648 Related Call for Papers Opportunities Seminar & Workshop