April 19, 2023April 19, 2023 CNLU Patna Inaugurates its Startup Cell! Inauguration of Startup Cell at Chanakya National Law University supported by Department of Industries, Government of BiharDepartment of Industries has conducted a ‘College Outreach Program’ at Chanakya National Law University, aligned with the Bihar Startup Policy 2022.The Moot Court Hall of Chanakya National Law University buzzed with activity as volunteers gathered to smoothly conduct the Inauguration of the Startup Cell organized by the University’s Centre for Innovation, Invocation, and Legal Entrepreneurship “CIILE” in association with Bihar Startup Policy 2022, Department of Industries, Government of Bihar.The event started at 12:00 PM, and students from various batches came to attend the session. Firstly, a competition was conducted wherein students were asked to write about their startup ideas within 15-20 mins.The opening speech was given by Dr. Kirti, Co-Convenor, CIILE. She welcomed the Hon’ble Vice-chancellor, Justice Smt. Mridula Mishra and Shri M. P. Srivastava, Registrar of the University and Sri Panjak Dixit, I.A.S., (Director, Industries , Department of Industries, Government of Bihar) while Dr. Md. Safiullah, the Convenor of CIILE, felicitated them. Then, the lighting of the lamp was done by the honorable dignitaries. Members, Ms. Deepti and Ms. Megha, from the Department of Industries, Government of Bihar, then enlightened the students about the benefits and the opportunities offered by the government to the students interested in creating their own Start-ups. Subsequently, Two Startups by Dr. Ajay Kumar (Founder, Cognos Med) and Mr. Rajeev Singh, Founder, Fathoon shared their journey and how they benefitted from the Bihar Startup Policy.The results were finally declared for the competition held earlier, the first prize was given to Satyam Raj, 1st year, the second prize was given to Aditya Raj, 1st year, Certificate of appreciation was given to Priyanshu Raj, Shristi Pratiksha and Swati Kumari. The winners were exuberant on receiving a certificate and a T-shirt.The Startup Cell was inaugurated above the library by the Honorable Vice-chancellor and the Registrar of the University. Then finally the event was addressed by the Vice-chancellor and the Registrar. Vice-chancellor Madame pressed upon the importance of amalgamation of law expertise and management know-how in the field of entrepreneurship and the Registrar sir addressed the gathering and highlighted the significance of start-ups in both the Legal and Management fields. To close the event, a vote of thanks was given by the faculty convenor of the Centre for Innovation, Invocation, and Legal Entrepreneurship.Hence, the event was a success and the students were very happy with the event. Post Views: 1,157 Related Business Law Seminar & Workshop