February 2, 2022 CfP: Legal Spectrum Journal [ISSN:2582-9483] Indexed at Manupatra | Submit by March 2022 About Legal Spectrum Journal Legal Spectrum Journal [ISSN (O): 2582-9483] is an Online Peer-Reviewed Law journal that aims to provide Independent Research Work in the Field of Sports & Gaming Laws, Technology Law. Legal Spectrum Journal is Quarterly Online Flagship Journal of LL.B Mania. The Motto of Legal Spectrum Journal is “Exploring the Unexplored”. The Journal is also Indexed at Manupatra (Legal Research Database). Moreover, we actively invite people to share their research on contemporary issues of law, so as to enable the growth and understanding of the aspects of the law to the individual in society. We actively publish Articles, Research Papers, Case Commentaries until and unless they meet the standard of our journal and our submission guidelines. Submission Guidelines Eligibility Law students pursuing the five-year LL.B course as well as the three years course, Academicians, Students pursuing LL.M. or Ph.D., and Educators. We also accept submissions from Humanities Students pursuing UG/PG/or other high-level degrees. Theme Any topic related to Core legal issues or Socio-Legal, Socio-Political issues. Word Limit The LSJ invites original, unpublished content from all academicians, authors, legal professionals, and from students across the globe under the following categories- Short Articles: (1000-3000 words, including footnotes)Long Articles: (3000-5000 words, including footnotes)Book Reviews: (1500-3500 words, including footnotes)Case Comments: (1200-3000 words, including footnotes)Research Papers: (4000-10,000 words, including footnotes) Note: Abstract should be up to 100-300 words only. (All the manuscripts must be accompanied by abstracts in it with 5 keywords, manuscripts submitted without abstract will be rejected.) Submission Procedure All submissions must be emailed to submission@legalspectrumjournal.in with the subject as ‘Paper submission(category*)’ along with a declaration to the effect that the Paper is an original work of an author, unpublished and not anywhere under consideration for publication. Download Declaration form here In case you are unable to find/download the declaration form, kindly mail us at support@legalspectrumjournal.in *Category – Short/Long Articles, Case Comments, Research Papers, Book Reviews. All the submissions must be accompanied by a separate Cover Letter/Document containing Author’s details such as Name, Affiliations/Institution/University, E-Mail, Contact, Academic Year. These details should nowhere be mentioned in manuscript(s) submitted by the author(s). Reviewing Fees Reviewing Fee is only applicable if the manuscript has been selected for publication.Reviewing Fees Include Turnitin Report, Editing Fees, Proofreading fees, etc. Single Author – 400 RupeesCo-Authorship (2 authors) – 700 RupeesCo-Authorship (3 authors) – 1100 Rupees For More details regarding submission click here Post Views: 707 Related Call for Papers Opportunities